How to Optimize Product Description Attribute in Simprosys Google Shopping Feed?

Product descriptions are again having options but it does not have custom edit support in the app. They can be:

  1. Default Product Description
  2. SEO Product Description
  3. Customized Product Description. Customized Product Description option can be used only after products are synced with the App.
1. Default Description: This is used by most of the merchants but it is not recommended when you have too much content in the description. We have come across many product descriptions which actually contain Shipping and Returns Policy too. it is too much to be in the description.

2. SEO Description: SEO Description is picked up by the app from SEO Description Field.
SEO Description is the product description that you as a merchant set in the “Search Engine Listing Preview” box or by importing the edited CSV file export. The app allows you to use SEO Description as your product description. This option can also be selected from the Settings page in the App.

3. Customized Product Description:
You can customize the product description for the feed within the app so that those in the Shopify Storefront don’t change. Product Description plays a crucial role in getting relevant impressions in the Shopping Results. These are responsible for the success of your Shopping Campaign.