Integrating widget options on your search result page can greatly improve the user experience and boost engagement on your e-commerce site. By giving merchants more control and relevant details, you can boost conversion rates, build customer loyalty, and ultimately, expand your business.
To change widget colors, follow these steps:
Open Search7: Smart Search & Filter app and go to Search >> Search Result Page
Enter a hex color in a Color Palette field, or use a color-picker next to the necessary element.
Widget Options
Customizes the text color of the product title.
Customizes the text color of the product descriptions.
Product Price
Customizes the color of the product price.
Discount Price
Customizes the color of the discount price.
Default Navigation
Customizes: The color of the present navigation tab.
The text color for the search results title.
The text color for the product view type icons.
Sort by border
Customize the border color of the Sort by filter
Customize the border color of the navigation tab
On-Hover Color
Customizes the background color of the current navigation tab along with the background color of the side filter when hovered over.
Main Panel
Customize the background color of the navigation tab.
Button Background
Customizes the background color of the on-hover buttons and the filter section buttons on the store.
Button Text
Customize the text color on hover buttons and the filter section buttons on the store.
Additional Product Field Color
Customizes the text color of the Additional Product Field value
On-Hover Borders
Customizes the border colour of the product tile when hovered over.
Grid Color
Customizes the color of the grid options.
Active Grid Color
Customizes the color of selected layout grid on the search result page.
Loader Color
Customize the color of Loader
Customizes the text color of the filter titles.
Filter Value Text
Customizes the text color of filter values
Filter Background
Customizes the background color of the filter tabs.
Reset Filter Text
Customizes the text color of the reset filters button