Integrating widget options on your search result page can greatly improve the user experience and boost engagement on your e-commerce site. By giving merchants more control and relevant details, you can boost conversion rates, build customer loyalty, and ultimately, expand your business.
To change widget colors, follow these steps:
Open Search7: Smart Search & Filter app and go to Search >> Search Result Page
2. Activate the available options to utilize the feature for the required element.
Content Options
Content Option
Display Option Swatches
Display the varian options of a particular product
Infinite/Endless Scrolling
Loads the search result page endlessly while scrolling down or “Show More” button.
Show Images
Displays the product image on the search results page. (on enabling the option)
Show Compare At Price
Displays the discounted price along with the retail price on the search result page. (on enabling the option)
Show Price
Displays the product price on the search results page. (on enabling the option)
Products Per Page
(Max 50)
Displays the maximum number of products displayed per page.
Max Title Strings
Displays a maximum number of strings visible in the product title of the product suggestions when viewed in grid mode.
Max Description Strings
Displays a maximum number of strings visible in the product description of the product suggestions when viewed in grid mode.
Show Button
Choose the options for the on-hover buttons. Product View: Opens the product detail page. Add to Cart: Add the product to the cart. Quick View: Opens a product detail pop-up.
Display Additional Product Field
Displays the selected additional product field on the search result page.
Zero Price Action
Displays/Hide the products with zero prices on the search result page.