Why Should you Try Simprosys Manufacturer Feed for Bigcommerce? – BigCommerce

The Simprosys Manufacturer Feed app is one of the first apps that work on the Content API method to submit rich and authoritative product data to the Google Manufacturer Center. It is an advanced data management tool that automatically syncs the product data from your BigCommerce store & updates it to your Google Manufacturer Center, ensuring your data is up-to-date without manual intervention.

It is a comprehensive & time-saving solution for manufacturers, brand owners, or brand licensors to provide rich, detailed, and accurate product information to Google. This way, you’ll be able to expand your brand’s reach whenever shoppers are searching and buying.

A few of the handy features that we offer include:

Robust Filtering Options to drill down to a specific set of products – Our app provides an extensive filtering option that helps you filter out the required products based on your preferred choice. This can be helpful in case you wish to filter a specific set of products to assign attributes or find out the products for which Google Manufacturer Center has raised errors/warnings.

Bulk Edit Options to assign or update product feed attributes – The bulk edit option is a convenient option that avoids the tedious task of manually assigning attributes for your products. It can help you assign attributes to multiple products in bulk simultaneously.

Attributes supported by the app – Our App supports most of the attributes from primary or required fields to advanced ones like product title, name, highlight, details, and many more. Therefore, you won’t need to find any other sources to manually submit any such attributes.

Auto-fetching the warnings or errors from the Manufacturer Center – Once the review process is completed, our app will automatically fetch any item-level warnings or errors and display them within the app interface. So that manufacturers can resolve them. Using our app, you can fetch these warnings and errors manually once every 24 hours. This will help manufacturers see the actual status of their products from the app interface itself.

Product data customization using the Excel Export-Import Feature – Using the Excel (XLS/XLSX) export-import feature of the app, you will be able to customize the product title, description, brand, and feature description, along with some other attributes. This customization empowers merchants to use different values for these attributes for product data feeds only, without making changes in your BigCommerce store.

We are continually working on more features to be added so that we can offer you the easiest and most convenient solutions for all your manufacturer-centre-related concerns. 

For further information related to the Simprosys Manufacturer Feed app, you may reach out to us at support@simprosys.com